Can I Add an Order Note After My Order Has Been Placed?

You can now add a note when your order status is on hold or processing.

Your order's processing status can vary from 10 minutes (during the weekdays on Monday - Friday between 11am - 5:30pm) to over 12 hours (after 5:30pm on weekdays and on weekends). Due to this, we highly suggest you add your order note when your order is still on hold, or as soon as possible as the processing time can vary. 

If your request is sensitive (ex/ wrong address), please do not send payment and contact us via live chat or email as soon as possible. 

If your order has already been completed, we may not be able to make any accommodate any changes to your order. However, if you contact us as soon as possible via live chat or email at, we will try our best.

To add an order note to an order that has already been placed:

  1. Go to your PG Club account and click "Orders".

  2. Next, click the green "View" button under the "Actions" column.

  3. Once the page loads, if your order is still on hold, or has not been fully processed, you will be able to leave an order note.

  4. You will be able to add multiple order notes. We kindly ask that your order note is as specific as possible. See below as to what your note will display as. 

  5. If you still need to update any notes to your order and are unable to, please contact us as soon as possible via live chat or email at, we will try our best to accommodate the request.

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