What is your payment email for Interac E-transfer?

To find the correct email for your Interac E-transfer payment, please follow these steps:

  1. Place Your Order: After placing your order on our website, you will be provided with the email address to which you should send the transfer. This information will be displayed during the checkout process.
  2. Email Confirmation: Additionally, you will receive an email confirmation after each and every order you place. This email will contain the specific email address to which you should send the funds.

It's crucial to emphasize that you should always send the payment to the email address specified during the checkout process. Do not rely on saved emails from past transactions, as these email addresses may change over time. Sending the payment to an incorrect email address is more likely to result in order delays, and in rare cases, it may lead to the loss of funds.

We strongly recommend that you double-check and confirm the correct payment email specified during the checkout for each order. This ensures a smooth and secure payment process for your orders.

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